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In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors but now due to the latest research, we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep in maintaining overall health. Sleep enables us to repair and detox from damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays, chemicals and other harmful exposure to toxins during an average day. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping and these proteins are restorative, thus why 7-9 hours of sleep is optimum.

Studies now show that people who consistently get fewer than 6 hours of sleep per night are at a greater risk of developing diseases. The time you go to sleep is also important due to your body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin release, which greatly affects your mood and ageing.

Adequate sleep has been linked to supporting heart health, stress, pain and inflammation, mood, cognition, memory, your metabolism and body fat levels; it has even been linked to cancer. This is where Naturopathic Sleep Support comes in.

We are Rejuv therefore take sleep very seriously and have included sleep as one of our 7 Pillars of Wellness due to its pivotal influence on your health. We have developed a detailed naturopathic sleep support protocol that we make bespoke to your way of life which you can do either at home or if travelling.